IMKING!!! YES!! We are soooooo,super excited about this brand and being able to have this Q&A with them. We at FACTORY824 have to say that this is one of our favorite and most worn brands, but I'm beyond sure they are favorites of many many others. IMKING is well known and worn all throughout the streets and the industry,and with their unique designs and known trademark on their designs,everyone knows that it is IMKING when your rocking it. FACTORY824 is always interested in the people and their thoughts behind the brand,so get to know IMKING in a slightly different way and continue to support them and the brand.
A place where you will be able to stay up-to-date on the hottest trends that are happening globally and locally. Nothing and no one will be left out. We will represent what the true definition of FLY is-which is creating your own style as an INDIVIDUAL. Peace & Love FACTORY824
September 28, 2010
Interview: IMKING
Question 1: When did you first fall in love with fashion?
Reply: The furthest I can remember back is 6th grade begging my parents to buy me Nike’s. Everything after that became particular in what I shopped for.
Question 2: When did IMKING first start?
Reply: The idea of IMKING came in the middle of 2006. Polo and I put together the plan towards the end of that year. May 2007 was when we released our first summer line to our retailers.
Question 3: Who are all the members behind the label?
Reply: We’ve got a pretty big team. Polo and I started the brand, we brought in Brian, and then along came the rest of the IMKING family.
Question 4: What influences your designs?
Reply: The IMKING designs are influenced by everything. We let our lives dictate the direction we go into. Our feelings, ideas, the things we see on tv, on the streets. A lot of different elements go into creating the IMKING line.
Question 5 : Where did the name IMKING come from?
Reply: The IMKING name was originally short for Imaginary Kingdom. It came from us wanting to create an outlet of ideas and trying to be the best for ourselves.
Question 6: What else is IMKING associated with?? Ex. Music, promotions, etc..
Reply: We like to be involved with things that make sense to the brand. Music, partying, learning, and everything else that we can relate to.
Question 7: Where do you see your clothing/brand being in the next 5yrs?
Reply: I see IMKING as the brand that will inspire people to go out and live their dreams. That’s what we’ve done for ourselves and hopefully it will be imprinted in people’s minds. IMKING will be the exciting and innovative elite brand.
Question 8: How do you think your line will change the face of Fashion?
Reply: When I think of change, I don’t want to just make a change in fashion but in peoples lives. If we can make a change with the world that will make a bigger impact than just making it with clothing. We want IMKING to be bigger than just fashion.
Question 9: What Can we expect from IMKING next?
Reply: We are currently expanding into cut and sew, accessories, and more. We’ve also got some unexpected collaborations coming. Make sure to keep up with IMKING.COM and find out more.
Question 10: Where can your line be viewed and purchased?
Reply: You can check or check some of our online retailers.
Question 11: What advice do you have for other designers and blogs such as FACTORY824 to help gain exposure?
Reply: It might sound cliche' or corny, but I followed my heart and put my all into this. If you can persevere, nothing will hold you back.
August 25, 2010

The owners of this cool and laid back sneaker boutique are good friends of ours. located in Coventry village this sneaker boutique carries some fresh kicks from some of the top brands like Nike, puma, Adidas, and Reebok, they also carry clothes from independent labels like IMKING, Diamond Supply, and Last place. So whenever your in cleveland heights make sure you check em out.
August 23, 2010

Vapour clothing will be releasing a fully custom beanie service in Sept. So now you will be able to go on the and customize your very own beanies. Also if you need alil starting point they will also have a couple of predisigns.
August 19, 2010
July 19, 2010
20% OFF!!

picture provided
Our friends at are having a 20% sale right now with a promo code "TWITTER20" so check them out buy,buy,buy!! We here stand by them and support them,so yall do the same. 20%!! You cant beat that!! Who doesn't wanna be fresh?? I know you do so make sure you take advantage of this sale! Also follow them on twitter @FourEyedKid

pictures provided
10Deep is out with new shirts that we here at FACTORY824 think are very dope. 10Deep is one of our favorite brands so we have to make sure we continue to show them love. Everything new they have we have,or will get!!! So make sure you guys stay checking them out and pu
my ADIDAS!!!
pictures provide by:
So Me personally am not a tennis shoe head,but this is for all my ladies who love the sneaks just as much as any "Shoe King". Adidas has their latest ladies sneaks out in an assortment of different colors and styles. And I have to say that I'm feeling them actually think that I may get a pair. Ladies lets show these men that you can rock your Adidas just as good and even better!!! Check them out on

June 30, 2010

pictures provided
Collective Emotions is a brand that wants you to literally wear your emotions. Their line of sweat shirts and T-shirts inspire people in color to express their feelings. With a group of five men I'm sure their is no limit to their creative juices and the things that they can and will come up with. This team represents NYC and the DMV areas,but they are looking to be a global brand,and I believe that they will be. These men are truly passionate about their dreams and wont stop EVER!!! They went from Preparatory school and hoop dreams,to now a year later with a successful clothing line, that just started as thoughts and words. SO whatever your 3motions,let it be better expressed by COLLECTIVE EMOTIONS,this line will be sure to get your point across,while maintaining a sense of Fly.
Designer: Coll3tiv3 3motions
Date: 6/30/10
Question 1: When did you first fall in love with fashion?
Reply: Fashion has always been a part of our everyday lives. Sneakers, Clothing, and Music are all pieces of our culture that makes us who we are today
Question 2: When did your brand start?
Reply: Collective Emotions started last year while we were all at Preparatory School pursuing basketball dreams. The idea started as words on paper to begin with, and by that night we were all in a room talking about how Collective Emotions seemed to fit perfectly, and now we are here today with products and followers.
Question 3: What do you want people to say when they see your clothes?
Reply: We want people to use our clothing as a form of expressing themselves, and we want a person to understand how another person feels when they see them with collective emotions on
Question 4: Who is your target buyer?
Reply: Our target buyer is anyone from the ages of 15-25, however we do not limit ourselves and hope that everyone feels comfortable expressing themselves with our clothing.
Question 5: What or who inspired you to begin the line??
Reply: Our inspiration for the line was our love of the urban culture, from the music to the clothing and all things in between. In addition, we have a message that we wish to preach through our clothing that is one of progression and betterment for all people through knowledge, because all forms of ignorance only set one back.
Question 6: Where did you get the name from?
Reply: The name was formed after we decided that two different ends of the spectrum in terms of emotions should be combined into one, thus Collective Emotions.
Question 7: Where are you from?
Reply: We are based out of NYC and the DMV (DC, MD, VA)
Question 8: Who are the members behind your brand?
Reply: Justin DuVarney, Joshua Vital, Corey Wright Jr, Christopher Flores, and Paul Miller Jr
Question 9: Who in the industry has been spotted in your clothes or recognized your brand??
Reply: We have received recognition from all types of people, but in terms of anyone famous we are still in the process of marketing the brand to people
Question10: Where do you see your clothing/brand being in the next 5yrs?
Reply: In the next 5 years we see ourselves as a prominent line in the urban culture, however we do not plan on only doing clothing. Collective Emotions is more than just a clothing line, it is a life style and an expressionistic movement.
Question11: How do you think your line will change the face of Fashion?
Reply: We believe that our lifestyle will not be the next "fad." , we want to make an impression on people so that Collective Emotions will stick with people for a very long time.
Question12: What Can we expect next?
Reply: We will be dropping an assortment of T-shirts throughout the summer season, as well as hosting large summer events in both NYC and Washington D.C.
Question13: Where can your line be viewed and purchased?
Reply: Products can be purchased through our online store, which can be located if you go to our home page:
Question14: How did you network to make a name for you line?
Reply: Networking is a major part of any business, and we have used facebook, personal relationships, and twitter to help get our product out to the public.
Question15: What is your motivation to keep designing and pushing your line?
Reply: The motivation for us lies in our everyday lives. As a group we make up Collective Emotions, and it is a way of expressing our thoughts, views, and opinions to the world. We don’t have any specific motivation, for we just love what we do. One quote that we have always held true “Don’t aim for success, if you want it, just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally”
- David Frost
Thank you for completing an interview with FACTORY824
Designer: Coll3tiv3 3motions
Date: 6/30/10
Question 1: When did you first fall in love with fashion?
Reply: Fashion has always been a part of our everyday lives. Sneakers, Clothing, and Music are all pieces of our culture that makes us who we are today
Question 2: When did your brand start?
Reply: Collective Emotions started last year while we were all at Preparatory School pursuing basketball dreams. The idea started as words on paper to begin with, and by that night we were all in a room talking about how Collective Emotions seemed to fit perfectly, and now we are here today with products and followers.
Question 3: What do you want people to say when they see your clothes?
Reply: We want people to use our clothing as a form of expressing themselves, and we want a person to understand how another person feels when they see them with collective emotions on
Question 4: Who is your target buyer?
Reply: Our target buyer is anyone from the ages of 15-25, however we do not limit ourselves and hope that everyone feels comfortable expressing themselves with our clothing.
Question 5: What or who inspired you to begin the line??
Reply: Our inspiration for the line was our love of the urban culture, from the music to the clothing and all things in between. In addition, we have a message that we wish to preach through our clothing that is one of progression and betterment for all people through knowledge, because all forms of ignorance only set one back.
Question 6: Where did you get the name from?
Reply: The name was formed after we decided that two different ends of the spectrum in terms of emotions should be combined into one, thus Collective Emotions.
Question 7: Where are you from?
Reply: We are based out of NYC and the DMV (DC, MD, VA)
Question 8: Who are the members behind your brand?
Reply: Justin DuVarney, Joshua Vital, Corey Wright Jr, Christopher Flores, and Paul Miller Jr
Question 9: Who in the industry has been spotted in your clothes or recognized your brand??
Reply: We have received recognition from all types of people, but in terms of anyone famous we are still in the process of marketing the brand to people
Question10: Where do you see your clothing/brand being in the next 5yrs?
Reply: In the next 5 years we see ourselves as a prominent line in the urban culture, however we do not plan on only doing clothing. Collective Emotions is more than just a clothing line, it is a life style and an expressionistic movement.
Question11: How do you think your line will change the face of Fashion?
Reply: We believe that our lifestyle will not be the next "fad." , we want to make an impression on people so that Collective Emotions will stick with people for a very long time.
Question12: What Can we expect next?
Reply: We will be dropping an assortment of T-shirts throughout the summer season, as well as hosting large summer events in both NYC and Washington D.C.
Question13: Where can your line be viewed and purchased?
Reply: Products can be purchased through our online store, which can be located if you go to our home page:
Question14: How did you network to make a name for you line?
Reply: Networking is a major part of any business, and we have used facebook, personal relationships, and twitter to help get our product out to the public.
Question15: What is your motivation to keep designing and pushing your line?
Reply: The motivation for us lies in our everyday lives. As a group we make up Collective Emotions, and it is a way of expressing our thoughts, views, and opinions to the world. We don’t have any specific motivation, for we just love what we do. One quote that we have always held true “Don’t aim for success, if you want it, just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally”
- David Frost
Thank you for completing an interview with FACTORY824
June 19, 2010
June 17, 2010
Mote:l Autumn Preview
Motel Autumn Preview
Check out this preview of the Autumn2010 lookbook,I know the ladies are guaranteed to like everything they see!!! It's just a sneak peak,so you cant order yet but you may see something from the previous collections that you JUST GOTTA HAVE!!!!
Check out this preview of the Autumn2010 lookbook,I know the ladies are guaranteed to like everything they see!!! It's just a sneak peak,so you cant order yet but you may see something from the previous collections that you JUST GOTTA HAVE!!!!
Are you a DIMEPIECE!!

DIMEPIECE a trendy design team for the ladies who are fearless and dare to be different. They have summer2010 lo


MISHKA teamed up with STARTER to make a signature starter cap!!!! The crazy thing about it is they only made 144 IN THE WORLD!!!! and our male half of FACTORY824 got his!!! So hope you all heard about this,because this just may be ALLLLL that they do,if again I'm sure it wont be in this style. In the mean time check out MISHKA'S spring/summer looks @
June 9, 2010

JEANTRIX: A brand that is so FASHION FORWARD and FUTURISTIC,this a look like no other, and I believe that is their goal!! Designers Nyce and Homm are two people who tr
uly believe in self expression,they are not afraid to be different,and they dare others to be different as well. Having such an Editorial look,you can find their looks on MANY celebrities and in MANY magazines. They went from just two kids designing for themselves in middle school,to others noticing,wanting to wear their clothes,and Tadaaa "Jeantrix" was created in 2004. Jeantrix wants to WOW people and as they said in the Q&A they want to, " take it back to when fashion was fun. When you think about it, it seems as if he 80’s was the future of fashion more than today. They really took risks. We want to take it back to that." Well they are most definitely "taking it back",so keep your eyes open,stay tuned, because I know this duo has more "Trix" up their sleeves.

Designer: JEANTRIX Clothing Co.
Date: 6/9/2010
Question 1: When did you first fall in love with fashion?
Reply: We both really start falling in love with fashion in middle school. We started out just designing for ourselves.
Question 2: When did your brand start?
Reply: The brand launched in 2004. After people started seeing the pieces we created for ourselves, it was highly requested so we just started a line.
Question 3: What do you want people to say when they see your clothes?
Reply: It’s not so much what they say but more so what they feel. We want peoples eyes to light up and just be wowed by it. Whether it’s the colors, the material, etc.
Question 4: Who is your target buyer?
Reply: A lot of teens and young adults really connect with the style of Jeantrix but we’ve had older people wanting to wear it to so it’s a line for everyone.
Question 5: What or who inspired you to begin the line??
Reply: I really can’t think of 1 particular thing but I know we inspired each other back when we first started. We feed off of each others creativity but I mean you always have the magazines,sites etc.
Question 6: Where did you get the name from?
Reply: 1 night we were just brainstorming. Back then we just created jeans for the most part. So it was like our “jeans” were doing “tricks” but we spelled it “trix”. Corny I know. haha
Question 7: Where are you from?
Reply: Nyce is from Chester, Pa and Homm is from Philadelphia, PA
Question 8: Who are the members behind your brand?
Reply: As of now its just us 2 (Nyce & Homm) but soon we’ll be expanding
Question 9: Who in the industry has been spotted in your clothes or recognized your brand??
Reply: To name a few, Audrey Kitching, Dj Diamond Kuts, Donnie Klang and a few more we can’t reveal. it’s a surprise.haha
Question10: Where do you see your clothing/brand being in the next 5yrs?
Reply: In major stores world wide and in many major magazines
Question11: How do you think your line will change the face of Fashion?
Reply: I think it will take it back to when fashion was fun. When you think about it, it seems as if he 80’s was the future of fashion more than today. They really took risks. We want to take it back to that.
Question12 :What Can we expect next?
Reply: New York fashion week, many, many more magazines,more celeb clients and of course the website coming this summer for everyone!
Question13: Where can your line be viewed and purchased?
Reply: As of now it can be views on . The official website will be up this summer
Question14: How did you network to make a name for you line?
Reply: The Internet for the most part. People don’t realize how much twitter,facebook and myspace can do for your product. Also just being seen on the streets wearing our pieces
Question15: What is your motivation to keep designing and pushing your line?
Reply: Just seeing how far we’ve came and knowing how far we’re about to go. That’s really motivating to us.
Thank you for completing an interview with FACTORY824
Special Word from Jeantix:Thanks you so much for the interview! Everyone make sure you check us out at
Designer: JEANTRIX Clothing Co.
Date: 6/9/2010
Question 1: When did you first fall in love with fashion?
Reply: We both really start falling in love with fashion in middle school. We started out just designing for ourselves.
Question 2: When did your brand start?

Reply: The brand launched in 2004. After people started seeing the pieces we created for ourselves, it was highly requested so we just started a line.
Question 3: What do you want people to say when they see your clothes?
Reply: It’s not so much what they say but more so what they feel. We want peoples eyes to light up and just be wowed by it. Whether it’s the colors, the material, etc.
Question 4: Who is your target buyer?
Reply: A lot of teens and young adults really connect with the style of Jeantrix but we’ve had older people wanting to wear it to so it’s a line for everyone.
Question 5: What or who inspired you to begin the line??
Reply: I really can’t think of 1 particular thing but I know we inspired each other back when we first started. We feed off of each others creativity but I mean you always have the magazines,sites etc.
Question 6: Where did you get the name from?
Reply: 1 night we were just brainstorming. Back then we just created jeans for the most part. So it was like our “jeans” were doing “tricks” but we spelled it “trix”. Corny I know. haha
Question 7: Where are you from?
Reply: Nyce is from Chester, Pa and Homm is from Philadelphia, PA
Question 8: Who are the members behind your brand?
Reply: As of now its just us 2 (Nyce & Homm) but soon we’ll be expanding
Question 9: Who in the industry has been spotted in your clothes or recognized your brand??
Reply: To name a few, Audrey Kitching, Dj Diamond Kuts, Donnie Klang and a few more we can’t reveal. it’s a surprise.haha
Question10: Where do you see your clothing/brand being in the next 5yrs?
Reply: In major stores world wide and in many major magazines
Question11: How do you think your line will change the face of Fashion?
Reply: I think it will take it back to when fashion was fun. When you think about it, it seems as if he 80’s was the future of fashion more than today. They really took risks. We want to take it back to that.
Question12 :What Can we expect next?
Reply: New York fashion week, many, many more magazines,more celeb clients and of course the website coming this summer for everyone!
Question13: Where can your line be viewed and purchased?
Reply: As of now it can be views on . The official website will be up this summer
Question14: How did you network to make a name for you line?
Reply: The Internet for the most part. People don’t realize how much twitter,facebook and myspace can do for your product. Also just being seen on the streets wearing our pieces
Question15: What is your motivation to keep designing and pushing your line?
Reply: Just seeing how far we’ve came and knowing how far we’re about to go. That’s really motivating to us.
Thank you for completing an interview with FACTORY824
Special Word from Jeantix:Thanks you so much for the interview! Everyone make sure you check us out at
June 3, 2010
Lupe Fiasco - I'm Beamin
Lupe Came Hard with His Mixtape "Enemy Of The State" and here he is FINALLY with an official video off his album "Lasers" said to come out soon this summer,in the meantime vibe out to this conscience awareness call to the youth in:I'm Beamin.
Also check out and
Also check out and
PF- Flyers are a cool urban sheik,upgrade from the converse, These shoes cant just be worn by anyone and with anything. I say for the guys throw on some hip new up and coming designer t-shirt with some cargoes and dope shades,ladies pull out your best fitting skinny legged jeans,with a plan tank and a few accessories and shades and the BADDEST bag you own, and your ready to step out in a very EXCLUSIVE WAY. They come in many designs and colors for MEN and WOMEN. Check PF-Flyers Spring/Summer look book,and begin to create your PF-Flyers Experience. I hope your prepared to walk above the clouds.!!!!
FACTORY824's "Must Have" accessories for the ladies this summer is the OWL. You can find the OWL everywhere this season,from the lowest end store,to the high ridiculously priced stores. Owls to me represent,Concentration,Observation,and the Quiet protector. I myself B.Dawn believes I am like the Owl,I have big Eyes,and pay very close attention to my surroundings. But whatever your theories the Owl is the way to go for this season. They have huge owl head rings,variety of owl styled necklaces,owl feather earrings,EVERYTHING. If the ladies are anything like me they WANT THEM ALL. So take a look at some of these sites and treat yourself to something beautiful yet mysterious.
June 2, 2010

Diamond Supply is giving a very small sneak peek into the summer line T-shirts that will be hitting the streets THIS SATURDAY!!! Yes I know we here at FACTORY824 are excited and cant wait to put our order in!!! So when your out getting all your summer essentials and supplies make sure you grab some DIAMOND SUPPLY! Check out the website for all your Diamond Supply needs,hats,accessories,t-shirts and many more.

May 25, 2010
Feature of the Week: FLYASME Clothing Co.

More Than A BRAND,It's a MOVEMENT:
FLYASME Clothing Co. was created by a team of two: Richie Zimmerman and Tony Angelos, September 2009 in Portland,Or. Their clothes are set to inspire those to be themselves and accomplish one's dreams no matter what. FLYASME believes that all can be FLY in their own individual way and when you wear their line they want the Originality to shine. FLYASME is different from other brands because they are truly about the PEOPLE. This is a MOVEMENT and as they say in the Q&A "Live the FLYLIFE because said simply,there is no other way to live. FLYASME Clothing Co.
Feature of the Week:Q&A with FLYASME

Designer: FLYASME Clothing Co.
Date: 5/18/10
Name: FLYASME Clothing Co.
Subject: Feature of the Week
Question 1: When did you first fall in love with fashion?
Reply: Always been, but along with fashion I love people.
Question 2: When did your brand start?
Reply: We started officially in Sept 09
Question 3: What do you want people to say when they see your clothes?
Reply: FLY AS ME
Question 4: Who is your target buyer?
Reply: Anyone out there going after their dreams creating themselves and letting nothing stop them. This is for those living the FLY LIFE
Question 5: What or who inspired you to begin the line??
Reply: We believe in people, We want people to live their dreams and passions We think that is when people are happy, Live like your life depends on it. We wanted to create a line that would do that. A line that is about the individual wearing it and less about the company behind it. We wanted to bring something new create the new style the FLY STYLE
Question 6: Where did you get the name from?
Reply: Well we were bouncing names back and forth for a while, and trying to find something that stood for individuality, confidence, dreams, inspiration, drive, that alone could stand but at the same time evolve in so many ways. Welcome FLY AS ME. It’s about you it’s about me. Everyone Fly’s a different way. FAM.
Question 7: Where are you from?
Reply: Portland, Or is where we landed.
Question 8: Who are the members behind your brand?
Reply: Well Fly As Me Clothing was Founded by Myself Richie Zimmerman and good Friend and business partner Tony Angelos. But everyone out their wearing a tee is apart of this Brand.
Question 9: Who in the industry has been spotted in your clothes or recognized your brand??
Reply: Lil Wayne, Lil Twist, Lil Chuckee, TYGA, Diggy Simmons, Justin Bieber, Khelo Thomas, The New Boyz, Dj Kelo, Tj Ward, Wiz Khalifa, Audio Push, Kel Mitchell, Yung Stet, man so many others as well there way too many to name.
Question10: Where do you see your clothing/brand being in the next 5yrs?
Reply: Established world wide, and helping others create their dreams. We are building something new here, from company to clothing.
Question11: How do you think your line will change the face of Fashion?
Reply: We are creating FLY STYLE Clothing, more than a tee. This is more for people than they know. Give us support and give us some time we don’t just want to change fashion we want to inspire others and in doing so we want to change the world, and change starts with you. We put attention on you.
Question 12: What Can we expect next?
Reply: Aww man lets just say this is just the Genesis of FLY STYLE Clothing, and FLY AS ME.
Question 13: Where can your line be viewed and purchased?
Reply: Currently we are only available online @ or but if you want to see us in a store near you go to your local store and demand they Sell FLY AS ME Clothing in their store.
Question 14: How did you network to make a name for you line?
Reply: Well online social media sites. Local events, street teams, gorilla marketing.
Question 15: What is your motivation to keep designing and pushing your line?
Reply: Life is my inspiration, as the name says FLY AS ME I will never give up on creating this dream and establishing this line we are more than a clothing line, we are a voice a catalyst for all those who going after their dreams no matter what that dream is. FLY AS ME is who we are, who we want to become and where we’ve come from. FLY AS ME Clothing Co wants you to be your best. And push everyday to be greater. We believe this is what the world is waiting for, we believe in you, every single one out there. Nothing can stop you but your self. Live the FLY LIFE because said simply there is no other way to live. FLY AS ME Clothing Co. YOUR WORLD, YOUR WAY, WEAR YOUR HEART.
Thank you for completing an interview with FACTORY824.
May 17, 2010
The Main Event presented by: 323 Management
May 15, 2010
May 13, 2010
The Foreign Exchange - Daykeeper
Grammy Nominee Foreign Exchange has been doing their thing for awhile now no doubt about it. I personally say they are one of the dopest groups of our time. For more check out and go out pick up their newest album "Leave It All Behind", "LeftBack" by Little Brother and from the beautiful lady of the group,
"The Ballad of Purple Saint James" by YahZarah.
"The Ballad of Purple Saint James" by YahZarah.

FACTORY824 is slowly approaching its dreams turning into reality. Our goal is to become the PREMIERE blog of the city. Introduce the WORLD to our,music,and fashion scene. We also just wanna be the spot where people come to see what's up and coming by showcasing artist,designers,and shops who are hot and just beginning!!! I feel if we are ALL up and coming,why cant we make the "COME UP" together.
May 12, 2010
All Legs

Are your LEGS ready?? Cause this Spring/Summer HOT PANTS yes from the 70's!! are where its at. You can catch these tiny barely there shorts all over the runways,and from the predictions,all over the streets soon. High-waisted and mid-cut in leather and knits are the most popular and I'm sure the fellas wont have problem with this look at all!!.
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