Designer: FLYASME Clothing Co.
Date: 5/18/10
Name: FLYASME Clothing Co.
Subject: Feature of the Week
Question 1: When did you first fall in love with fashion?
Reply: Always been, but along with fashion I love people.
Question 2: When did your brand start?
Reply: We started officially in Sept 09
Question 3: What do you want people to say when they see your clothes?
Reply: FLY AS ME
Question 4: Who is your target buyer?
Reply: Anyone out there going after their dreams creating themselves and letting nothing stop them. This is for those living the FLY LIFE
Question 5: What or who inspired you to begin the line??
Reply: We believe in people, We want people to live their dreams and passions We think that is when people are happy, Live like your life depends on it. We wanted to create a line that would do that. A line that is about the individual wearing it and less about the company behind it. We wanted to bring something new create the new style the FLY STYLE
Question 6: Where did you get the name from?
Reply: Well we were bouncing names back and forth for a while, and trying to find something that stood for individuality, confidence, dreams, inspiration, drive, that alone could stand but at the same time evolve in so many ways. Welcome FLY AS ME. It’s about you it’s about me. Everyone Fly’s a different way. FAM.
Question 7: Where are you from?
Reply: Portland, Or is where we landed.
Question 8: Who are the members behind your brand?
Reply: Well Fly As Me Clothing was Founded by Myself Richie Zimmerman and good Friend and business partner Tony Angelos. But everyone out their wearing a tee is apart of this Brand.
Question 9: Who in the industry has been spotted in your clothes or recognized your brand??
Reply: Lil Wayne, Lil Twist, Lil Chuckee, TYGA, Diggy Simmons, Justin Bieber, Khelo Thomas, The New Boyz, Dj Kelo, Tj Ward, Wiz Khalifa, Audio Push, Kel Mitchell, Yung Stet, man so many others as well there way too many to name.
Question10: Where do you see your clothing/brand being in the next 5yrs?
Reply: Established world wide, and helping others create their dreams. We are building something new here, from company to clothing.
Question11: How do you think your line will change the face of Fashion?
Reply: We are creating FLY STYLE Clothing, more than a tee. This is more for people than they know. Give us support and give us some time we don’t just want to change fashion we want to inspire others and in doing so we want to change the world, and change starts with you. We put attention on you.
Question 12: What Can we expect next?
Reply: Aww man lets just say this is just the Genesis of FLY STYLE Clothing, and FLY AS ME.
Question 13: Where can your line be viewed and purchased?
Reply: Currently we are only available online @ www.FLYASME.net or www.FLYASME.com but if you want to see us in a store near you go to your local store and demand they Sell FLY AS ME Clothing in their store.
Question 14: How did you network to make a name for you line?
Reply: Well online social media sites. Local events, street teams, gorilla marketing.
Question 15: What is your motivation to keep designing and pushing your line?
Reply: Life is my inspiration, as the name says FLY AS ME I will never give up on creating this dream and establishing this line we are more than a clothing line, we are a voice a catalyst for all those who going after their dreams no matter what that dream is. FLY AS ME is who we are, who we want to become and where we’ve come from. FLY AS ME Clothing Co wants you to be your best. And push everyday to be greater. We believe this is what the world is waiting for, we believe in you, every single one out there. Nothing can stop you but your self. Live the FLY LIFE because said simply there is no other way to live. FLY AS ME Clothing Co. YOUR WORLD, YOUR WAY, WEAR YOUR HEART.
Thank you for completing an interview with FACTORY824.
Fly as me is broke!