JEANTRIX: A brand that is so FASHION FORWARD and FUTURISTIC,this a look like no other, and I believe that is their goal!! Designers Nyce and Homm are two people who tr
uly believe in self expression,they are not afraid to be different,and they dare others to be different as well. Having such an Editorial look,you can find their looks on MANY celebrities and in MANY magazines. They went from just two kids designing for themselves in middle school,to others noticing,wanting to wear their clothes,and Tadaaa "Jeantrix" was created in 2004. Jeantrix wants to WOW people and as they said in the Q&A they want to, " take it back to when fashion was fun. When you think about it, it seems as if he 80’s was the future of fashion more than today. They really took risks. We want to take it back to that." Well they are most definitely "taking it back",so keep your eyes open,stay tuned, because I know this duo has more "Trix" up their sleeves.

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