Coll3tiv3 3motionsDate: 6/30/10
Question 1: When did you first fall in love with fashion?
Reply: Fashion has always been a part of our everyday lives. Sneakers, Clothing, and Music are all pieces of our culture that makes us who we are today
Question 2: When did your brand start?
Reply: Collective Emotions started last year while we were all at Preparatory School pursuing basketball dreams. The idea started as words on paper to begin with, and by that night we were all in a room talking about how Collective Emotions seemed to fit perfectly, and now we are here today with products and followers.
Question 3: What do you want people to say when they see your clothes?
Reply: We want people to use our clothing as a form of expressing themselves, and we want a person to understand how another person feels when they see them with collective emotions on
Question 4: Who is your target buyer?
Reply: Our target buyer is anyone from the ages of 15-25, however we do not limit ourselves and hope that everyone feels comfortable expressing themselves with our clothing.
Question 5: What or who inspired you to begin the line??
Reply: Our inspiration for the line was our love of the urban culture, from the music to the clothing and all things in between. In addition, we have a message that we wish to preach through our clothing that is one of progression and betterment for all people through knowledge, because all forms of ignorance only set one back.
Question 6: Where did you get the name from?
Reply: The name was formed after we decided that two different ends of the spectrum in terms of emotions should be combined into one, thus Collective Emotions.
Question 7: Where are you from?
Reply: We are based out of NYC and the DMV (DC, MD, VA)
Question 8: Who are the members behind your brand?
Reply: Justin DuVarney, Joshua Vital, Corey Wright Jr, Christopher Flores, and Paul Miller Jr
Question 9: Who in the industry has been spotted in your clothes or recognized your brand??
Reply: We have received recognition from all types of people, but in terms of anyone famous we are still in the process of marketing the brand to people
Question10: Where do you see your clothing/brand being in the next 5yrs?
Reply: In the next 5 years we see ourselves as a prominent line in the urban culture, however we do not plan on only doing clothing. Collective Emotions is more than just a clothing line, it is a life style and an expressionistic movement.
Question11: How do you think your line will change the face of Fashion?
Reply: We believe that our lifestyle will not be the next "fad." , we want to make an impression on people so that Collective Emotions will stick with people for a very long time.
Question12: What Can we expect next?
Reply: We will be dropping an assortment of T-shirts throughout the summer season, as well as hosting large summer events in both NYC and Washington D.C.
Question13: Where can your line be viewed and purchased?
Reply: Products can be purchased through our online store, which can be located if you go to our home page:
www.collectiveemotions.comQuestion14: How did you network to make a name for you line?
Reply: Networking is a major part of any business, and we have used facebook, personal relationships, and twitter to help get our product out to the public.
Question15: What is your motivation to keep designing and pushing your line?
Reply: The motivation for us lies in our everyday lives. As a group we make up Collective Emotions, and it is a way of expressing our thoughts, views, and opinions to the world. We don’t have any specific motivation, for we just love what we do. One quote that we have always held true
“Don’t aim for success, if you want it, just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally
”- David Frost
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